Colorphilia, produced in collaboration with Patterson Beckwith at the P3 Studio in Las Vegas, NV, was conceived of as a laboratory for color. Color theory, therapy, phenomenology, systemization, and creative use were all explored with guests, ultimately cultivating conversations about perception and subjectivity.
Color theory exercises, a tetrachromancy test, the Lucher color test, collage and paint-mixing workshops, naming colors, and a variety of color information were available to visitors. Most visits culminated in a Polaroid portrait, utilizing the Ayurvedic lucky color of the day and a secondary color of the visitor’s choice.
Color theory exercises, a tetrachromancy test, the Lucher color test, collage and paint-mixing workshops, naming colors, and a variety of color information were available to visitors. Most visits culminated in a Polaroid portrait, utilizing the Ayurvedic lucky color of the day and a secondary color of the visitor’s choice.
Colophilia 2015